And the Survey Says…

Twenty-one percent of mothers who were recently surveyed said that all they want for Mother’s Day is food that they did not cook.  Twenty-one percent!  That’s one out of every five moms which means there’s a real chance that that’s your mom.

But don’t despair.  My Mini Fruit Pies recipe is a super simple, kid friendly recipe that is perfect for Mother’s Day.  These fruit pies take very little time to make, require only a beginner’s skill level, is a great way for kids to get involved, and uses only a few ingredients.  And let’s face it, nothing says “I love you, Mom” like homemade pastries!  And you can make them with any one of our delicious Stowe Mercantile Kitchen Jams.  So go ahead, and give it a try.  Click here for the recipe.  And by the way, the other moms in the survey said they’d like chocolate, silence, to sleep in, and to pee uninterrupted.  Happy Mother’s Day!